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Can Pressure Washing Damage Windows?

Can Pressure Washing Damage Windows

The best question you can ask yourself when it comes to cleaning with a pressure washer is if it can damage your windows. Pressure Washing America, LLC has provided us with some great tips on how to pressure wash those windows without causing any damage. Pay careful attention to the do’s and don’ts.

Inspecting is a Great Place to Start.

Before you get started on washing anything it is important to give all the windows a good inspection. Check for any cracks or broken seals. If there is any damage present that will need to be addressed before starting any cleaning process.

If the damage is present, then water can leak into your home causing horrible water damage. It can also cause the window to break completely which can be dangerous and at the least leave you with a gaping hole until you can get a replacement.

Prepare Before You Wash.

It is always a good idea to prepare before starting any task. You want to make sure you have all the materials you need to provide a smooth process.  Here are some helpful tips for preparing to pressure wash your window.

Tips for Preparing for Your Task.

  • Make sure your pressure washer is working properly and has all the fittings and adjustments for windows.
  • Wet the plants and soil under the windows. (This helps the chemicals to degrade quicker)
  • Make sure all electrical outlets near water usage is off.
  • Have the proper gloves to protect against any chemicals as well as safety glasses.

What Product to Use?

Sun Joe Works Great.
Sun Joe is used for the purpose of washing cars, but also works great on cleaning house windows. It washes away bugs and the such. Just like it would on the windows of your car. The price is affordable. You can find it on Amazon and have it shipped straight to your home.

Simply Green Leaves Windows Crystal Clear.
Simply Green is used to clean the siding and decks of your home. It can be used to clean windows too. It is completely safe to use in your pressure washer and is biodegradable. I highly recommend this product for the task at hand. It is priced reasonably too.

Vinegar is Always an All-Natural Choice.
Vinegar has been known to clean windows for some time now. It is only logical that I suggest this one to use in your pressure washer for your windows. Make sure the pressure washer is free from other chemicals before using. You never want to mix chemicals. Vinegar is effective and all natural.

The Washing Process Broken Down.

The washing process of getting your windows clean is simple. After you have done your inspection and have all the proper tools and products, you can get started on washing your windows.

Always make sure that the setting of your pressure washer is the lowest possible. Your PSI should be under 2,000. The lowest setting is the best setting. If the windows do not come clean in the lowest possible setting, try a presoak. Going to a higher PSI will only cause damage.

Use a wide spray pattern. This makes washing easy and prevents any damage. Using a straight spray concentrates the pressure on one spot causing the windows to get weak and possibly break them. Remember to use the wide spray pattern.

Do not spray head on. Point your pressure washer nozzle at a 45-degree angle. This helps wash away any bugs and webs that may be on the window without concentrating any pressure to the windows surface.

If you wash you must rinse. This step is often left out on a lot of instruction. You don’t want to leave any soaps or detergents on the windows surface. This can leave a film and defeat the entire purpose. After cleaning your washer out of chemicals, a vinegar rinse works well.

Watch a Video First.

I highly recommend research before completing any task. The more you know about something the better the turn out is going to be. You can find more information at They have a lot of valuable information that can be used in conjunction with the info above.

Another great thing you can do is watch a tutorial. Some people retain information better when given in a video format. I have given a link to a video that shows just how to pressure wash those windows with ease. I hope this helps and answers any questions you may have. You can find it on

Some Things to Take Note Of.
Always use the right setting for pressure washing windows. If the window is not damaged, then it should not cause any harm to the window. The products above are great for cleaning and safe for pressure washers.

If you are cleaning a two-story home or windows that require you to use a ladder, never work alone. It is always good to have a cleaning partner. Stay safe and God bless.