Rockhill City Guide Tech DIY SEO? Can I Do SEO Myself?

DIY SEO? Can I Do SEO Myself?

DIY SEO Can I Do SEO Myself

So, you want to attempt to do SEO on your site by yourself. Maybe you want to save some money compared a professional who’s willing to charge you up to $500 per hour for something that is not guaranteed success. Whatever your reason is, if you are willing to put in the time and effort to figure out how to optimize SEO on your site, you may be able to DIY your SEO. Caseo LTD, which does SEO in Toronto, Ontario, has shared some tips on how to get started.

The worst thing that can happen is paying more than $500 to a company or an individual for them to do your SEO and later finding out that all the money you paid was for nothing. Hiring someone with little to no experience can cost you more than researching, studying, and maybe taking a course before trying it yourself. But is SEO really that hard?

Whether you are a small business owner or a marketer, it’s useful to know SEO anyway. It’s a big leverage and especially in this day and age, learning a bit more of SEO can help guide you in staying relevant in search engines but also help you know that you’re always staying relevant and producing content.

Things to Know When DIYing Your SEO

According to Allie Decker from Monitor Backlinks, there are seven ways to do SEO on your own. Know your audience, understanding keywords and research, build your site with keywords that fit your niche, build authority, create a social media presence, understand Google, and read blogs about SEO to stay up to date. Allie stated that as long as you keep relevant and stay up to the trends, everything else should fall into place.

What Should You Do on Your Own?

According to Vinny La Barbera from Imforza, there are many aspects of research a person should be doing to learn more about SEO, such as taking SEO courses, joining forums and talking to other people that are at the same experience level or higher experience levels to gain experience, and much more. He also said that learning the core of Search Engine Optimization could result in a better understanding for your brand and business.

Plan Your Keyword Research

Planning your keywords is important how people online see your site. The keywords are there to target your audience as they search on Google for advice, blogs, shopping, or articles to read. Search engines like Google are there to use the words that are have put in the search bar to find relevant articles, blogs, or shops that are close to or the exact thing the person is looking for.

Planning keywords that match your niche or audience can help you find the right readers, clients, or customers to sell your site to. If your site is about baby clothes, putting keywords as bakers or chefs in your description would not help target the right audience. Which in this case would most likely not help you grow and achieve your full potential.

Use Social Media Consistently

Consistency is the key to everything in life, but especially in the world of SEO and the internet. Being consistent on your site, blog, and social media can help you gain more loyal followers, as they will always have something new to look or read at. Being consistent also means being relevant, which is a big key in reaching the higher ranks in Google but also being in the top SEO industry for your niche.

Optimizing Your Page to Its Full Potential

While you may be busy with blogging, adding things to your shop, or on social media, you may want to first optimize your home page to its full potential. Gaining traffic and leading your viewers to your site gives you great potential to grab leads. But if your site is not appealing and pulling your viewers in, then it’s no use going the extra mile if they are not actually going to be considered a potential client, viewer, or customer.

This involves making sure that your website is first optimized for every device that is currently out in the world. Another thing is to note that the keywords are desired for your audience in order to reach the max potential traffic to rank high in the search engines.

How to Make Your Site SEO Friendly

In order to make your site SEO friendly, Google needs to know what your site it about. Writing about different subjects can be a downfall, as Google will not know what your site is about as everything has to be related and relevant. Keeping it simple yet innovative for every device can bump you up from your competitors that are only optimized for one device rather than all of them.

So, should you DIY SEO before hiring a professional or company? Yes, it’s a perfect way to learn and maybe in the end it will save you a lot of money by paying a random person who might not even be good at SEO and in the end might even scam you into paying more for a terrible job you are not happy with. Taking points from this guide could help you learn which topics you need more help with or need to be more consistent in.