Rockhill City Guide Latest,Travel Top Sights to See: A Cozumel Dive

Top Sights to See: A Cozumel Dive

Top Sights to See: A Cozumel Dive

In Cozumel, locals and visitors alike have plenty to enjoy while taking a dive into the crystal clear waters with bath-like temperatures. From turtles to reef sharks, many different impressive species reside in the depths of Cozumel, able to be spotted by divers on a daily basis. Because it is relatively affordable and easily accessible, Cozumel ranks as one of the most ideal places for a diving excursion. Salty Endeavors, a dive shop that offers Cozumel diving excursions, has shared the most important things to know when planning your dive.

What Are the Best Diving Locations?

Because the destination is an island, it is almost a given that guests will opt to take a dive or two. Whether you are seasoned or brand new, Underwater Photography Guide highlights a list of some of the top diving locations to experience during your visit to Cozumel.

If you are looking for impressive coral formations, check out Columbia Deep. It is a colorful deep dive opportunity that offers an abundance of sea life to view. You will also get to witness the view from over a 2,000-foot drop!

For an adventurous, tunnel-swimming dive, Palancar Reef is the spot for you. Traverse your way through impressive structures while absorbing the beautiful sights. This dive is family-friendly and great for snorkeling as well.

Chankanaab Reef is a frequently visited spot, with some guests even diving multiple times during one visit! It is a dive that is suitable for most, and there are plenty of fish and reef to be photographed. There is also an opportunity to swim with dolphins.

Despite the nature of the name, Barracuda is actually an enjoyable diving experience. This one is more suitable for advanced divers, and is located northwest of the island. The dive contains strong currents and provides the opportunity to see pelagic fish (fish that live in the middle level of the ocean).

Which Unique Creatures Will You See?

It is said that there are over 150 creatures currently residing in the waters of Cozumel. These are among the top noteworthy sights:

Fish: The queen triggerfish can grow to be an impressive two feet long! With neon blue scales outlining their bodies, you’ll be stunned when you encounter one. Another unique fish is the smooth trunkfish, covered in polka dots and spikes. Aside from its striking body, it also has a unique mouth that appears to be making a kissy face.

Turtles: Among the sponges, you are likely to encounter some hawksbill turtles. They love to eat along loose sponges, and they don’t really mind if you pass them by. Even if you aren’t diving, you still have the chance to spot one, as they tend to enjoy coming to the shoreline from time to time.

Eels: Gigantic green moray eels are a common sight during dives. With lengths up to seven feet, it is nearly impossible to miss them! Although they may look intimidating at first, they are said to be very gentle creatures, almost like puppies.

Crabs: Turn your sights to rocks and reefs that have flat surfaces, and blue-eyed hermit crabs will likely be found hanging around. These small, shiny red crabs are notable due to their contrasting blue eyes. Another variety of crab that can be spotted is the yellowline arrow; they have spider-like legs and a small set of pinchers. At a maximum of only three inches, you will have to pay close attention to crevices and in the reef and the inside of sponge barrels in order to spot them.

Are Guided Adventures Worth It?

If you are new to diving, or even if you are a veteran that just wants someone to show you around, it is recommended that you opt for a guided dive excursion through a company. Not only will you get the chance to fully explore what the coast has to offer, but you will be able to do so in a small group of other divers with personalized attention to your diving needs.

Most dives come with all of the equipment that you will need throughout the day. From life jackets to oxygen tanks, the company will supply you with every necessity. Some companies even provide snacks and refreshments during down time.

The day will start out on the boat, where you will be able to admire the sights from above. Then everyone gets suited up for the dive. Depending on your level of training, you can either snorkel or scuba dive.

Snorkeling is the most versatile, allowing you to just skim the surface of underwater exploration. Even without going very deep, you will still be able to witness plenty of sea life and beautiful sights. If you do not have your scuba certification, you can obtain it fairly easily on site. With this certificate, you will gain access to open water dives that allow for more freedom during the excursion.