Rockhill City Guide Medical What is a Triquetral Fracture?

What is a Triquetral Fracture?

triquetral fracture

After a visit from the doctor, or hearing a friend say that they have a triquetral fracture, you probably want to know what that means. We all know that there are different kinds of breaks you can get when injured. Some are hairline fractures. Let us go over what a triquetral fracture is for more understanding.

What Kind of Fracture is This?

The hand and wrists have 39 bones total. Some of those bones can be slim or shorter and wider. Dr. Jeffrey E. Budoff MD, a professional Houston hand surgeon tells us that when you a triquetral fracture it is located in the wrist area of the small collection of bones that help connect the entire hand.

Did you know that the wrist itself has 8 bones total? That is a lot more than what it seems from the outside looking in.

You will usually hear people say that they broke their wrist. Most of the time it is the triquetrum bone that is broken in the wrist. However, it is not the main bone that gets broken. It is the second most broken bone in the wrist. It can be very painful. So, medical attention is necessary.

The Triquetrum Bone Is The Broken One.

The triquetrum bone is a bone that is located among 7 other bones in the wrist. It is the second most common bone that gets broken during an injury to the hand. There are several painful symptoms involved when it comes to fracturing the triquetrum bone.

What are Some Common Causes of a Triquetral Bone Fracture?

What is the first thing that you usually do when falling? It is put your hands out. It is common nature to try to break your own fall. Sometimes, though, that fall can result in an injury to the hand, wrist, or arm even. There is no way to avoid it. We are human and tend to fall at times. Everyone does it.

Falling is not the only cause of a triquetral fracture. They can sometimes occur from a blunt force to the back of the hand. Just hearing that statement you may wonder how that is possible. It is not likely that someone would bang on the top of your hand, but that can cause it. Or, consider dropping a heavy object onto your hand.

These are just a few of the common causes of a triquetral bone fracture. Let us look at some of the key highlights as to what may cause a fracture to the triquetrum bone.

  • Trying to prevent a fall. Extending your hand and then landing on it during a fall or hitting the ground really hard.
  • Dropping or having an object dropped on your hand.
  • Blunt force to the area, or wrist.
  • Playing a sport.

These are just a few examples as to how one can injure their wrist causing a fracture. You can find some more valuable information about a triquetral fracture at sports injury

What are Some Of the Symptoms?

The symptoms of a triquetral fracture can vary from person to person. In some people, the fracture may cause little to no pain, in others, it may cause an immense amount of pain. Everyone is different. There are some common symptoms that can help you detect a triquetral fracture.

Let us go over some of the common symptoms of such kind of fracture right now!

  • There may be some swelling. Even just a slight bit of swelling can detect a fracture.
  • Pain is usually the first symptom. As stated above, some people may feel little to no pain while others may feel an immense amount of pain. This varies, but most people do experience pain with a fracture. This pain will be on the smallest finger side of your wrist.
  • Tenderness when touched or untouched.
  • You will have trouble grabbing things, your motion may be off just a bit, or even a lot. has more information if you care to look into it.

What Treatment Is Available?

The first thing that someone should do if they suspect that they have a fracture is to get to a doctor right away. There is only one sure way to tell that your wrist bone has been fractured. That is with a medical examination from a medical professional.

A few tests can be run to see if you have a broken bone. The doctor will first take a look at your wrist and see if it is mobile amongst other things. The doctor may even have an x-ray taken of the wrist and hand to rule out the fracture. These a painless.

Before You Go!

Your wrist may be placed in a cast at a specialist and in the meantime be placed in a splint until you can get an appointment. This is usually within the next couple of days. The wrist will then be put in a cast for 6 weeks. No worries they have all kinds of neat casts out there today.